onsdag 31. august 2016

Introduction to manifestation

When we talk about manifesting, we refer to the law of attraction, and how you create your own reality. This is a topic many people are interested in, and in my experience is a theme that is easy to misunderstand. Before we start to talk about today's theme, I will first briefly talk about the journey we all take that plays a huge part in the manifestation process.

When we wake up and begin to see that there is something more than what we can see and touch, this is called the first wave of spirituality. We are beginning to see that we create our own reality. This means that you begin to understand that you can work your way through whatever you are struggling with, and you can live a good life after, what perhaps have been many years, without getting the help you needed. You begin to read books by people like Sylvia Browne and John Edward, and you start to get drawn towards people who see what you see. This gives you an introduction of a new world you never knew existed, and that you can not get enough of. Because you start to see that you create your own reality, you begin to focus on being positive, and to spread your positive word to everyone you meet.

But then suddenly you get to a point where your positivity no longer works. You work hard to tell yourself and others that all you have to do is to stay positive. But suddenly you realise that no matter how hard you try, you still struggle. What really happens when you are so keen to be positive on the outside, while what is happening within is not matching up, is that you begin to suppress the negative thoughts you have. A common thought we tell ourselves is "I don't have a reason to feel sad." But what is happening in your subconscious mind is that you repress those aspects of you that are sad, and that are feeling like crap. At this point we learn the healing aspects of ourselves, and the importance of our “darker” side. When we arrive here, the second wave hits you.

The second wave, or level, of spirituality comes when you notice that positivity lifestyle does not do you any good. It does not work to manifest amazing things when the underlying parts of you struggle. Therefore, it is common at this time that we begin to do the heavy work, such as inner child work, or shadow work. We begin to see that we can work with the painful parts of ourselves, the parts we never before dared to approach. Whether you think these parts of you were shameful or made you a bad person. We suddenly notice the value in these dark valleys and begins the long road to healing our emotions and ours scars.
I hear many people say that they can not attract what they want, and that this is not working for them. But the fact is that you every second of the day attracts what you are a match to. The reason you do not achieve what you want to manifest is not because it is nonsense and does not exist, or that you are the black sheep that this is not working for. It is because your unconscious self and your feelings does not match what you are pretending to be.  It is not thoughts that create manifestations, emotions do. And feelings can not be manipulated into positivity, they are what they are.

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