onsdag 14. september 2016

I feel better when..

The thought behind this topic: “I feel better when”, is that you make your own bank of resources to have at hand for the times when you fall back into those "not so good times".
It works the same way as a “safety list”, which you can read more about on my blog by clicking here
As a general rule, I really don't like the “positivity” movement, especially in the new-age
community. Some of the reasons for this is that I don't believe, most of the time, that any of your problems or issues, magically will unravel by itself because you force positivity on them. On the contrary, it may be the reason why you suffer in the first place. By this I mean that there is a strong voice in the society at large that we have to be happy and positive, and if you are not, then there is something wrong with you! The fact is though, that everybody have their issues, and when we force positivity on top of that, we first of all feel worse because the underlying pain does not go away. And second, we don't get to dive deep and unravel the root issue that needs your attention, which is essential for healing to take place.

That being said, this resource is not for those general times, but as a resource you can use when you feel like there is nothing you can do to help your situation. For those times that you, because of your state, can't seem to be able to focus inward, and you desperately need some release in your situation. When you are in this black hole where you feel like there is no way out, you need to focus your energy on what feels good before you reach that place where we are able to dive deep.

To be prepared for this, I want you to make a side in your journal where you will write 10 
things that 
usually make you feel a sense of release or that makes you feel better. And in this way, we are armed and ready when the storm hits you, and you no longer can seem to think clearly. Take your list out and select one thing for you to do. ​​​

Example of things for your list:
- Warm shower
- Drinking a cup of coffee
- Talk to someone in particular
- Meditate

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