Most of us suffer every single day. We suffer us through work or school and we suffer our way through our free time. Often, we also use spiritual concepts and ways of thinking in order to remain in this state. We tell ourselves that it`s supposed to be like this. You was born for a reason, and now you have have to suffer yourself through this because you are supposed to learn something. This is what we call "spiritual-bypassing".
You are never supposed to suffer! It is intended that you should get new experiences and perspectives by going through the perhaps painful experiences or events. But there is a big difference between this
and suffering. When we suffer we remain in an uncomfortable and maybe even extremely painful situation over time. We see no end to it, everything is black. And when we are here, the idea that you can "think yourself to feel better" or themes like "that you can create your own life" is experienced just as painful and marketing propaganda!
So what to do? For various reasons you are right now at a point in your life where you no longer know what to do, who you are, or how you can get out of whatever you are in right now. I know a thing or two about this particular condition because I have been visiting it myself many times.
Step number one is to give yourself permission to meet your needs.
Most people who are in this situation is there because they rarely or never meet their needs. To meet your needs is a taboo subject, and something we prefer not to talk about. And I think that's very strange, because we all have needs. Have you ever been thirsty? It is a basic physiological need, and what do we do? Yes, we drink and we are not thirsty anymore. It's not like you're thirsty, and then you go to drink some water, and further can not stop drinking water because you first gave in and now you drink several liters at a time? No, you meet your needs so you do not have that need anymore. And a need that you never meet will never pass by itself. If you feel thirsty, then you will not stop feeling thirsty before you drink.
One of the greatest needs we have, directly above the physiological basic needs, is the need for security. Both emotional and physiological.
Emotional and physical safety. Chances are good that if you are a match to read this, then this is one
of the big holes in your life. When you were growing up did you feel like you rarely ( or never ) was emotionally or physically taken care of? Emotional neglect and emotional security Is something I have written about before, so I will not dive any further into this right now.
It is important to me that if you right now feel where you are no longer yourself and you do not know where to go, take a closer look at yourself and your life. Be honest with yourself. What needs do you have that have not been met? Do you find it difficult to figure it out? Ask a friend or someone else if they can help you. This is step 1. We MUST find out where we are, once you know what you've missed then you can move on to step No.. 2 where you meet those needs.
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